A thoughtful post will follow… eventually.
But for now, here’s some randomness, copy and pasted from Amanda‘s site:
*If you read this
*You must post a memory of me and you.
*It can be anything you want,
*it can be good or bad.
*Just so long as it happened.
*Then post this to your journal,
*and see what people remember about you…
tooterman says:
Yeah, we were stopped for lunch at the pizza place. You guys shoulda stopped and been like, “hey we go to Trinity too.” And then I’d be like, “What’s up Matt?” And then you’d say “not much.”
That woulda been awesome
Amanda1011 says:
Let’s see…. being mean to me in Uno, kicking my butt in Mario, and kicking my butt in that racing game. Those aren’t happy memories, though. At least not for me.