Tag: Christ


August 22, 2013


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I just finished reading the book of Ruth last week. It’s a beautiful short story, only four chapters long, set in the dark times of the Judges, the time period in Israel’s history after Joshua had taken them to the Promised Land. Even though the story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi is short, there is a lot of things to unpack from it and learn from it. The book of Ruth is essentially about redemption and rescue from despair and emptiness to a place of hope and fullness, something that God has promised and provided for through Jesus Christ.  → Read more...

Remember The One Who Came

December 8, 2011


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My goal this year is to slow down and take a breath every now and then and renew and refocus my mind on what’s really important in this season: God and family, whether it is by blood or by the family we’ve built for ourselves through friends. So, for the month of December, this space will provide all of us with reminders of what’s really important this month. This week’s theme is: Remember The One Who Came.  → Read more...

The Legacy of a Christian, Pt. II

September 15, 2011


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You can read Part I here. Last time, I talked about how our lives ought to be a legacy for Christ, and that when the time comes to go home to the Lord, we ought to leave no doubt about what we believed and where we are going after slipping through the door of death. We could do this by living a life based on the Bible, working hard, living humbly, being wise, and generally living with integrity.  → Read more...

Ambassadors of Christ

August 19, 2010


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The story goes a bit something like this… A man was being tailgated by a stressed-out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection. The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.  → Read more...

A What If For Eternity

September 24, 2009


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“What if…?” Everybody has played that game, especially after doing something that they later regret. Sometimes it’s not regret that drives the game, other times it is idle musing about the variety of directions their life could’ve taken if they had gone to a different school, chosen a different career, been born in a different family, married a different spouse, or lived in a different locale. With the countless of choices and events we all face every day in our lives, “what ifs” are limitless.  → Read more...

A Growing Urgency

January 8, 2009


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Ok, kids, it’s Book Club time. For Christmas, my mom gave me a book by Dr. David Jeremiah called What in the World is Going On? This book is a discussion about the end times and the return of Christ and what events might have to unfold for it to pass. It explores some of the biblical prophecies such as the one Nebuchadnezzar had in which Daniel interpreted for him (see Daniel 2). As the book talks about these prophecies, it frames them around events that are going on, such as the rapid rise of radical Islamic terrorism.  → Read more...

In Memoriam of Innocence

September 11, 2008


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Seven years ago, on this day, which happened to be a Tuesday then, the world watched in horror as two planes crashed into each of the two World Trade Center buildings. Then it was whispered, there was another attack at the Pentagon. And then there was a plane crash in a field in Pennsylvania, could this have been related? I remember that day as clearly as I remember yesterday. I’ve been told from people who were born and old enough on Friday, November 22, 1963, that they remember exactly where they were when they had heard that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated.  → Read more...

My Faith, Your Faith, Whatever, It’s All Good?

July 10, 2008


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A couple of weeks ago I read with great interest an article about a Pew Forum survey on America and religion. In this survey of 35,000 people, “57 percent of evangelical church attenders said they believe many religions can lead to eternal life, in conflict with traditional evangelical teaching.” Additionally, “in all, 70 percent of Americans with religious affiliation shared that view, and 68 percent said there is more than one true way to interpret the teachings of their own religion.”  → Read more...

What Are We Giving?

June 19, 2008


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Today’s word of the day: “giver.” n. One that gives: a giver of gifts. A donor or contributor. Often used in combination: almsgivers. Earlier today, I was included in a conversation that talked about what the bible verse of Matthew 10:8b means when it says, “Freely you have received, freely give.” The easy answer is the one that says in this verse, Jesus is saying whatever blessings God gives us, we ought to give out to others.  → Read more...

Valentine’s Day

February 8, 2007


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It’s everywhere! Red flowers, pink hearts, white frilly laces. Chocolate seems to be overflowing everywhere. Tiny candy hearts are proclaiming BE MINE or U R A CUTIE. Stuffed animals are holding hearts saying, “I Love You!” Yep, it’s that time of the year. Valentine’s Day is coming. (For you husbands out there, it’s this coming Wednesday. Don’t say I didn’t remind you!) This day, like most holidays, usually brings about a mixture of emotions for different people.  → Read more...
