A Growing Urgency

January 8, 2009


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Ok, kids, it’s Book Club time. For Christmas, my mom gave me a book by Dr. David Jeremiah called What in the World is Going On? This book is a discussion about the end times and the return of Christ and what events might have to unfold for it to pass. It explores some of the biblical prophecies such as the one Nebuchadnezzar had in which Daniel interpreted for him (see Daniel 2). As the book talks about these prophecies, it frames them around events that are going on, such as the rapid rise of radical Islamic terrorism. It was recently published in around July or so of 2008, so the book is only six months old, rooting itself in current events such as the recent spike in oil prices.

Since only God knows the time and date and what exactly will happen, any human discussion on prophecy is going to be imperfect, but Dr. Jeremiah’s book has been remarkably well-researched and ties a lot of things that have been occurring in the world together to paint what may very well be a prescient picture of the signs that Jesus warned us to keep an eye out for (see Matthew 24).

For the past few nights, I’ve been reading the book in bed, eyes wide open, recognizing a lot of things that Dr. Jeremiah discusses, my head running over recent events in the news, especially with Israel in the headlines a lot lately over its current war with Palestine’s Hamas organization. The book has gotten me to think about the increased urgency we as Christians need to start feeling because, whether the world ends tomorrow or fifty or a hundred years from now, there’s a definite change in the air. The wind has changed. The world has started accelerating towards something. Even I, at my young age of 28, can sense it.

It’s not a cause of alarm for us because, well, frankly, we know where we’re going if we sincerely believe in Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life, but what about our friends and family and loved ones who don’t? What about our neighbors who don’t even own a Bible? That’s where we should be alarmed and start getting serious about spreading the Word because we might be their only way of learning about eternal life in Christ.

In his book, Dr. Jeremiah continually preaches three words: watch, work and wait. If we aren’t doing these things: watching for the signs of the imminent fulfillment of biblical prophecy; working on reaching the unsaved and helping the hurting find healing; waiting for Christ to come by preparing our house (not getting caught up in sin) and keeping our temple of the Spirit (our human body) clean, then we won’t feel fine when the end of the world as we know it comes. And come it will.

Just something to think about as we begin the new year of 2009 with all of the resolutions we tend to make. May one of them be becoming more serious about being a Christian who shares his/her faith to those who are lost.

Have a great week and may God bless you this week!

– Matt
