Tag: New Year

Ending the Year Well

December 26, 2013


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Wow. Well, that was quick. Seems like Christmas was just yesterday. Wait, it was! Lame jokes aside, it’s the perfect opening for a quick meditation on what to do in the weird holiday zone between Christmas and New Years’ Eve. Many people are still on holiday, vacation and may still have a couple more Christmas parties on the docket, but by large, most of us have turned our focus on to the party that is New Year’s Eve.  → Read more...

A Growing Urgency

January 8, 2009


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Ok, kids, it’s Book Club time. For Christmas, my mom gave me a book by Dr. David Jeremiah called What in the World is Going On? This book is a discussion about the end times and the return of Christ and what events might have to unfold for it to pass. It explores some of the biblical prophecies such as the one Nebuchadnezzar had in which Daniel interpreted for him (see Daniel 2). As the book talks about these prophecies, it frames them around events that are going on, such as the rapid rise of radical Islamic terrorism.  → Read more...

Happy Trails 2008

December 31, 2008


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Well, for many of us, 2008 was a bewildering year. It had its moments of joy and gladness, although those seemed to be overwhelmed and overshadowed by the economic gloom and doom that descended rapidly in the second half of the year. Jobs were lost, wages were cut, prices were either driven low or high, depending on what you wanted to buy. Through it all, the earth kept turning, the sun continually rose and set, and the tides came in and went, all on clockwork, reminding us that regardless of what happens with our economy, God is there, watching it all and has things in control.  → Read more...

Don’t Throw Away 2007

December 27, 2007


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Four more days and 2007 will fade in history while 2008 dawns upon us. During these next few days, you will undoubtedly read many top-ten lists of the best and worst of 2007 in many different areas such as movies, newsworthy events, books, et cetera. During this time of worldwide reflection, many people look back at their life experience during the previous year and take stock of it. Mistakes and wrong detours are chewed upon while resolutions are passed to do better: eat better, exercise better, recycle better, pray better, make better decisions.  → Read more...
