Conversational rhythm.

It’s a phrase I coined today to describe the rhythm of conversation
between two people. Sometimes it’s harmonious, other times it’s
horribly off-key. We’ve all had experience with both types. You know
what I’m talking about. Harmony: Two people meeting at IHOP for a cup
of coffee at 10 p.m. who end up stumbling outside on a caffeine-induced
high at 4 a.m. They never looked at their watches or cell phones to
find out what time it was. The conversation flew by.

Or how about this: two people sitting at dinner at a restaurant who
look at the wall decorations or the pieces of flair that the server has
in order to find something to talk about. The conversation is stilted and awkward and neither person can’t wait until it’s over. Definitely off-key.

It’s all about the rhythm that we have with someone. When it works… beautiful music, indeed.
