South Dakota photo blog, part two…

Jenny & Jeff during a game of Uno. Jeff, are you sweating or is
that an unfortunate end result of a water game? We played a lot of Uno,
Set, and Apples & Apples while in South Dakota to pass the time and
have fun with each other.

Renee, Russ, and Amanda doing some balancing acts. There was this tiny
park in the center of the town with swings, baby swings, slides, and a
merry-go-round. We would take Renee’s younger sibs to the park. The
local children often came out and joined us when we showed up.

Cows on the moooooove! We saw a lot of cows and calves roaming around in the backyard. Very cool stuff.

…but it’s ok, cuz we saw puppies…

These are two gorgeous horses Amanda and I encountered during one of
our many walks together around the main road in Harrison (the town
where we stayed). Simply beautiful creatures.

This is the South Dakota gang and some…: Jeff, Renee, Isaac, Angela
(Renee’s sister), Amanda, Sada (a local girl), Jenny, and me. Russ took the photo.
Stay tuned. Final part tomorrow.
yasdnil says:
farm animals…my favorite!