South Dakota photo blog, part one…
Amanda took this sweet picture of the sunset on the way to South Dakota. Yes, these are the actual colors…
Renee sleeping. We ended up leaving Chicago around 4:30 p.m. Saturday
night and ended up getting there around 6 a.m. Sunday morning. Suffice
it to say we were exhausted.
This is an example of what we did a lot. Sitting around and hanging
out. It was fun to get to know people and live the simple life for a
week. This is Jenny, Renee (with Isaac, her brother), Crystal (her
sister) and Russ. See how dead everyone looks? Yep, this was Sunday
One of the two Reformed churches… in a town of… 30 people. Yeah…
we didn’t get it either until we figured out that this was a Dutch
community. Made a lot more sense.
The general store/post office/gas station/hardware store. No commentary needed here.
This is Renee’s family’s house, where we stayed for the week. The girls
stayed in the house while the guys stayed in the lodge next to the
house. You can’t see it from here.
Stay tuned, more coming…
Amanda1011 says:
I picked better pics…
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
You both did a good job; I’ve seen them all before anyway.
Bytheway Matt–you asked what kind of camera it was, remember? “Olympus Camedia D535 3.2MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom.” That’s the official description. I prefer mine though–“pretty freakin cool.”
knup728 says:
I like the pics too. But uh, why didn’t you chose any pictures with Amanda in them? And Russ, I think I would stick with the second description of the camera too. Its a lot easier for me to understand.