Finding someone who you can be your silly, nutty, crazy self with…
Finding someone who likes your laugh (even if it’s high pitched or ends in a snort)…
Finding someone who rolls their eyes after you’ve just said a dumb
statement or a misplaced word (but still likes you anyway)…
Finding someone who gets as excited about hot dogs with mac & cheese as you do…
Finding someone who will hold you when all you need is to be held…
Finding someone that needs you as much as you need them…
…is worth every minute of the wait.
time… won’t you please go by quickly?
cinderella9779 says:
Just ask her already!!!!
labc7164 says:
Nah…..waiting is good. Need money, job, future set. 😉
Excited about hot dogs? That’s a new one
Tewcewl says:
Ha! No one is asking anyone anything…
Money, job, future set is a good thing to have.
Hot dogs are awesome, haven’t you heard?
tooterman says:
The Sox are the worst baseball team ever created. I pray every night that God will smote them down!!!!!! Yes that’s right SMOTE
Megan71 says:
That “dream” wasn’t a dream. It really happened! I lived where the roads were unpaved, the hills were endless, the beach could be seen from my window, and all (almost) of my friends hung out in a little surf shack all afternoon. That’s what it was like to live in South Africa. No joke. It was amazing and I miss it…. Check this out and you’ll see what I mean That’s where I stayed while I was there.
EleVatEdDreAmEr says:
blah.. sox… you and matt cavanaugh… psh.
yasdnil says:
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
Anyway Matt, I agree. See ya later!