I stood on the highest peak
in front of the whole world.

Large cities and small towns before me
people and cars going about their lives.

Glittering stars and the bright moon within reach
just extend my hands the whole world is mine.

I reached out arms outstretched palms open
ready to gather everything in my arms for me.

But just then I looked down and saw you
walking down the street in a purple dress.

Brown hair cascading down your bare shoulders
the stars were following you lighting your way.

Flowers everywhere were jealous of your fragrance

the wind was proud to carry it everywhere you went.

Your eyes held your soul
the moon smiled upon you.

I came down and took you up with me
to show you the world and said, “Look.

“Large cities and small towns before you

people and cars going about their lives.

“Glittering stars and the bright moon within reach

just extend your hands the whole world is yours.

“Now the world is all yours to do what you will
the only thing I want is to call you mine alone.”

I reached out arms outstretched palms open

ready to gather everything in my arms for me.

You stepped into my arms and I smiled
for I finally had everything in my arms.
