a curious site about family, faith & adventure
August 24, 2005
Damn allergies!
knup728 says:
Amen to that! Can’t stand those stupid things!
sixfeetsmall7757 says:
I second that!
Someday I’m going to pack up and move outta this allergy bowl…! :p
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
Yeah no kidding.
Uh… allright… I just Xanga’d Renee about this. I know our schedules are unmade at this point, but I would really like, and probably need, a core group that I can be part of to have somewhat regular prayer meetings or something like that. I’m hoping that perhaps our SD/Thursday night group could be part of that group, which is the reason for this part of the comment… so, if you could keep that in mind, that’d be awesome and hopefully we can come up with something. Last year in my Alumni 220 suite we were all part of a prayer group, and God did AWESOME things through it!
Kuips84 says:
no, I’m not doing a semester in Chicago…I’m going to the Illinois Institute of Art for Interior Design. I’ll be living there in an apartment, so it’s a little different then Trinity. I will miss it, but God will do good things, I’m trusting. What’s this job you interviewed for?