a curious site about family, faith & adventure
August 16, 2005
I have a job interview tomorrow.
*anticipation ensues*
Pray it goes well for me. Thanks.
MattTheTroll says:
good luck dude.
JanaStar says:
Good luck!! A job interview for what? Also, tickets?! Court Dates?!?! Oh man.. Good Luck on those too. What happened? Thought you were a good driver but then again remembering you driving around the last times we were hanging out, you did go on the crazy side. LOL, I know it was purely an accident but hopefully you didn’t go over any more curb/medians? I’m laughing about it now. *hahahahahahaha* That was funny! Luckily you didn’t bend any of your rims!!
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
Will be praying! Godspeed!