I have the coolest girlfriend. She got me an awesome vintage looking
Mountain Dew t-shirt for my birthday AND she dressed up just for me.
(For those of you who didn’t see her yesterday, well, she looked very
cute.) Thank you, honey. I love you!
Also, thank you to all the birthday well-wishers. ‘Twas a good day. Small,
relaxing, nothing big. The way birthdays ought to be sometimes.
For a fascinating dialogue on online chatting and the purposes of Xanga,
go to Amanda’s site and read her September 21, 2005 entry. A LOT of
food for thought there.
*end edit*
WhiteLancer64 says:
sounds nice :p girls dressing up for their guys… wow. the stories i could tell you about … but won’t. ever.
grandma_b says:
Happy belated birthday!
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
Happy birthday indeed.
tom_builder says:
this post is useless without a picture of the shirt
Amanda1011 says:
Here it is: http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/1816/269131hi1nd.jpg
Tewcewl says:
I’m much happier than that guy though.