…And it’s my birthday today…
…I’m 25…
…quarter of a century old…
Not sure on how I feel about that. I certainly don’t feel older. I
certainly don’t feel any younger either. When did birthdays lose their
mystique? Was it about the time we realized we were too old for He-Man
theme parties or after we got our drivers’ license, after we were able
to vote and be all “I’m 18, I’m an adult now,” or after we were finally
able to legally obtain alcohol?
After going through all of these milestones, I guess birthdays just now
remind ourselves that we’re a year older and sometimes makes us take
stock of our lives and where we are at this point in time compared to
the year before.
Hmm… I hope 26 will find me in a more favorable position in regards
of a job and a better financial shape. Who knows? It’s amazing what can
elapse in a year. A lot of wonderful things have happened and have come
into my life in this past year. Neat people have come into my life,
including this great girl. I’ve learned quite a bit about myself and am slowly (glacially slow) finding my true path in life.
Now that I think about it, I wouldn’t change any of it a bit. Here’s to the next 365 days and then some.
labc7164 says:
BigJonStud says:
25 is the sexiest age on earth…thus, you are sexy. and happy freaking birthday!
MattTheTroll says:
happy bday. insurance goes down now!
WhiteLancer64 says:
my birthdays never had any mystique to begin with. hahaha. *runs around and pretends like he’s flying*
Cease_a_roni says:
happy birthday Matt, hope you have a great day!
Thirty_Three_Times says:
Anonymous says:
happy happy happy for you!
tom_builder says:
happy birthday Matt.. 25 is an important milestone.. your car insurance goes down a lot, and you can now rent cars on your own..
Megan71 says:
cinderella9779 says:
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As a older and wiser, older sister type friend… Happy brithday. Enjoy 25 it will be an intesting year of ups and downs for both of us. Thanks for being there for me on my 25th year. It started good and ended bad… Here’s to a great year for both of us.
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sixfeetsmall7757 says:
Happy Birthday, Matt!!!
Let me know when’s a good time to get together and have dinner.
Blessings for a great day! š
teachersara says:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! like you haven’t heard that enough today. hope it was a good one! 25’s a good age….still older than me, but ya know…