This week has been really tiring me out. I’m glad that we had rain
today, preventing me from going into work this morning and giving me
needed extra sleep. That’s the nice thing about landscaping: When it
rains, you get a day off. Sometimes you just need a breather. The rest
of this week will be busy as well.
The job search continues.
Lately, I have been thinking about writing again, partly because of
encouragement from other people, including Amanda. I think I may start
a project soon. I’m excited about it. We’ll see how it turns out.
labc7164 says:
You have an awsome ability with words. You are a good writer. The question is……What would you write?
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
That’d be really cool. You seriously should think about doing NANOWRIMO. It’s a REALLY LONG acronym for basically this writing project where during the month of November you try to write a 50,000 word story. I heard about it from Holly Morehead, who’s doing it again this year and has for the last 2 years. I hear it has to be fiction tho, and I’m not sure exactly how it works. But you might wanna give it a shot.
cinderella9779 says:
I love your work and I would love to help…if you need someone to bounce an idea off of you know who to call.