Today’s my favorite person in the world‘s
21st birthday. I got her a nifty present I know she’ll really enjoy.
I’m looking forward to giving it to her tonight. As for plans, I’m
taking her out for dinner somewhere before her night class.

As for afterwards, I’m still undecided on a good bar to take her. I’ve
ruled out sports bars since they’re not real bars. When I decide I’ll
let you guys know and who wants to come can join us. It’ll only be for
a short time since she has an early day tomorrow, so no excessive
drinking will be done tonight. Unless you feel like pounding them back
yourself. Then we’ll watch you in amusement.

Happy 21st birthday, babe. I love you.

EDIT: Yes, we know that P&W’s tonight due to Reading Weekend this
weekend, but we’re skipping it this week. So, the choice is yours. Go
to P’n Dub or help the birthday girl celebrate her birthday…

EDIT: For those who are interested in coming with, we’re going to
Bourbon Street. So meet in the Alumni Lobby at 9. See you then!
