a curious site about family, faith & adventure
October 10, 2005
I don’t like those nights when the hamster in your head’s on methamphetamine, spinning in its exercise wheel like crazy while you lay in bed.
Hamsters shouldn’t do meth.
Especially at 1 a.m. when you’re trying to sleep.
Anonymous says:
once in high school biology we gave goldfish nicotine.
Amanda1011 says:
Matt… are you on drugs?
labc7164 says:
Nah, probably in overtime, trying to figure out why Tuesday is such a big deal…….
MattTheTroll says:
Overwoman says:
When my hampsters are running, I turn on the light and make a long list so I don’t have to think about them again until tomorrow.
WhiteLancer64 says:
is it the hamster or matt who’s on meth?
canam628 says:
yeah…that happens to me too…crazy hamsters…maybe taking away the wheel would help…but perhaps that would just result in a meth hamster burrowed into your brain…uh oh, that doesn’t help now does it? haha…
Anonymous says:
well, it was in some sort of watered-down liquid form and we put the fish in a shallow dish and then sprayed some in. then we’d put them back in the tank and they’d swim all frantic for a few minutes, then they’d rush over wherever we had the dropper, thinking they’d get another fix.
we also made them drunk. they swam into the walls a lot. and each other. that was funny.
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
Hahahahaha, the thought of a non-medical animal on non-medical drugs in a non-medical location is incredibly amusing to me. Hahahaha!
Anonymous says:
non-medical animal? what is a medical animal? non-medical drugs? is there any such thing? don’t all drugs cause medical reactions? I’m confused.