a curious site about family, faith & adventure
November 16, 2005
There’s nothing like coloring in coloring books. Especially Spiderman and Disney princesses.
Anonymous says:
Amen! That is so true.. I am a little concerned with you and the Disney princesses one though… haha jk.. I love to color!!
WhiteLancer64 says:
coloring books, fun, if i had coloring books
canam628 says:
Haha, such fun!
tom_builder says:
hey.. have you read Prey before? pretty decent book.. until the end..
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
I know! Jenny and I used to do that last summer while watching animated Batman movies, man! It was just like watching a comic book while coloring one scene from a comic book. Man, I kinda miss those times… *sigh*
Ahwell. que sera sera I suppose.
knup728 says:
Just out of curiosity… what else would you color in? You make it sound like there are tons of other choices besides he coloring books? Maybe I’ve lived to sheltered a life to know the other choices, but I still say coloring books are the only choice to color. (Might be a confusing sentence, but I still like it so I’m keeping it there!!)
Thirty_Three_Times says:
It’s controversial because it asks a lot of questions that no one really wants to know the answers to.
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
Ah, Spiderman now, huh? That’s a bit more manly. Or spider-y. I can’t make up my mind…-e.
I kid. ’tis cool.
yasdnil says:
gerckenator says:
yes, you are weird.
Anonymous says:
Matt, you can color in plain paper tablets. I hate, hate, hated coloring books. Someone else’s lines. One kind I did like was a complex geometric patterns book. I could make my own designs. It is what I do now with needlepoint. I NEVER use anyone else’s lines, or kits, or instructions. You can also color in magazines with a black marker…adding details or costumes to the fashion models.