Several people asked me what I was referring to in my last post. I
wasn’t trying to be cryptic. Rather, I was musing on the oft quoted
question that Shakespeare asked in Hamlet:
“To be or not to be, that is the question.” I think it’s an important
question that all of us should ask ourselves every now and then.

Are we being or not being?

In other words, are you who you want to be right now? It’s a question
I’ve been struggling with for a while. I believe that God has planted
deep within us the true essence of who we are and if we aren’t
fulfilling that, then we find ourselves discontent. For me, deep
inside, I believe God has called me to be a writer and for a long time
I fulfilled that calling. But I decided to set that aside and explore
other things in my life, including high school and college. I had fun.
I met great people and made lifelong friends. I had good and bad
experiences. I enjoyed life, but I’ve come to the realization that I’m
missing something.

Can a broom be anything other than a broom? Or a vacuum cleaner be
anything other than a vacuum cleaner? Nothing in life ever fits well
until they do what they were designed to do. People are no exception.
We’re not meant to go through life ignorning our calling. Too many
people are not enjoying life as much as they can because they’re
denying themselves. They are not being. They can try to deny it, but
it’s like waking up in the middle of night and discovering your arm has
fallen asleep. You still have everything intact, but your arm’s not
functioning and until you do something about it, it won’t move.

As for me, I’ve started writing on and off again, inching back to the
level of writing I used to be at before I set it aside. I can feel my
sleeping arm begin to tingle; it’s starting to move again, proof that
I’m moving in the right direction.

To be or not to be, is that the question for you?
