a curious site about family, faith & adventure
December 6, 2005
I spent the night cataloguing my DVDs. This is my entire collection combined with my girlfriend’s.
So that’s where my money’s been going…
WhiteLancer64 says:
198, impressive.
labc7164 says:
you can come over to do my collection any time….
knup728 says:
Matt… I think you need to get out more. Just put the DVD case down and slowly walk away. (Prefferably toward the door so you can get out… more.)
198 isn’t bad at all. Just wait until after christmas! Then you’ll probably be over 200!! And then you’ll have to catalogue them all over again!!! That’s gonna stink. 🙂
grandma_b says:
I agree with Jeff, you need to get out–even if it’s as cold as the North Pole out there–brrrr.
Thirty_Three_Times says:
198?!?! Wow, man, you two need to stop buying movies. Talking last night was fun. Like I said 5 million times, that should happen more often. Thanks for all the valuable advice, and for concurring that I am, indeed, the best girlfriend ever.
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
200!! That IS impressive!!
Earth_Alien_RV3 says:
Nope, I didn’t. Last I heard I think Jeff was thinking they were, but till today I wasn’t sure.
Now I know. Hoohah!