Lately I’ve not been spending my time on the computer, which is a nice change of pace. With Amanda being off school, it’s been able to afford us to spend our time together playing Xbox or watching the plenty o’ DVDs we got over the holidays. Apparently, we’re done with winter and gone straight to spring already. Thunderstorms and lightning with rain and no sun for a week. What a way to ring in 2006.

Sidebar. (This paragraph really only applies to video game geeks, a clique that I have been a part of since age 6. You can safely skip this if you don’t care about anything to do with video games.) To answer Tom’s question, I bought the original Xbox because I needed a video game system in my room to keep me entertained. Movies and the internet can only go so far. As for not buying the Xbox 360, I could never justify spending over $400 for a video game system. My price ceiling has always been around $200. With computers I can justify the price because it’s a multi-use product: internet, email, games, etc. What also favored my decision was that I already owned a couple of Xbox games from when I lived with my Xbox-owner of a roommate. So, that’s that.

What else? Well, I haven’t been a complete sloth. This past couple of days, I have been applying to a bunch of part-time jobs around here (Best Buy, Kohls, movie theater, etc.) in the hopes of gaining wages again. We shall see what happens. I’m still waiting to hear back for an interview for the full-time job position I applied for.

I’m still amazed that it’s 2006 already. This past year was an interesting one, and who knows what this year holds in store for all of us. I feel an introspective (and retrospective) post coming soon…
