Let’s see… what has been going on in Matt’s life?

Work: A search for a full-time job continues to be fruitless; however, I finally have a part time job at Target. I was recently hired and just went in for Orientation on Tuesday. It wasn’t anything big. Just five hours of listening to videos and people go on about how great Target is, how to behave at Target, and basically how to work at Target. A lot of it was common sense. Target seems to be a great company. Most of the managers I met stressed equality there (not the politically correct equality, but that applies too) in every level of the workers. The workers are encouraged to come and talk to the managers about any ideas, suggestions, concerns they may have. The doors are open. I was very impressed with that attitude.

One other thing that impressed me very much was their strong (and I mean, STRONG) emphasis on integrity. There are systems in place, including an anonymous hotline, to ensure a honest workforce. This should be a good place to work and earn a little money while I’m still searching for a full-time job with the benefits and the decent money that comes with it.

Home: I got a new toy! A cell phone, to be more specific. I jumped ship from Cingular to Verizon because it does not interfere with my hearing aid. I already sent out a mass email with my new number. If you weren’t a recipient and would like my number, let me know.

This is pretty much what’s new in my life, right now. Some days I feel like I’m in a holding pattern. There’s a snowstorm below me and I’m just waiting for the Tower’s OK to come down and land. That OK’d better come soon!
