*crawls from underneath the rock he was hiding under*
*squints at the bright lights emanating from Xangaland*
*yawns, blinks, stretches*
Yes, I’m still around. Some of you may be wondering what the heck I’ve been up to these past couple of weeks. Not that much and yet at the same time plenty o’ stuff. Let’s see what I’ve been up to…
WORK – Work at Target continues to be interesting. There’s some tension that comes from working in the same place as your girlfriend. The people at Target have been very nice and welcoming. They’re funny and interesting to work with. My feet have finally stopped hurting so much at the end of each work day. They’re finally used to walking around about 8 hours a day. But what’s rewarding is knowing I just made some cash at the end of the day.
PLAY – I’ve really gotten into an Xbox game that I borrowed from my friend. It’s called Knights of the Old Republic. It’s essentially a Star Wars game that takes place about 4,000 years before the Star Wars universe that’s portrayed in the movies. What’s exciting about this, or rather, what makes this worth mentioning, is that this game is bringing my video game geek side out again. For the longest time, I used to be a video game geek, playing games religiously. But somewhere between college and now, I kind of lost that side of me. Time and life simply got away from me. Now that I found a game that’s sucked me back in video games and I love it. I’ve missed it. Buying an Xbox with Christmas money was probably the best thing I did.
LOVE – It’s been a year! Amanda and I just celebrated our one-year anniversary this past weekend. I took her out to the Italian Village. After a delicious dinner, we went to the Symphony Center to see Dave Holland play some jazz. Before the night started, we exchanged gifts. She made me this beautiful scrapbook with pictures of us throughout the year and framed them with love songs, songs that I would normally not be aware of, songs she wanted to share with me. It really touched me A LOT.
I finally got to give my gift to her. Ever since I had it done, I was dying to give it to her. It was a mosaic poster, a poster that is made up of many small pictures of us that when seen as a big picture, it’s her favorite picture of me kissing her cheek. She loved it.
I can’t believe it’s been a year already. The time has flown by. Just as this past year was a whirlwind one, this coming year promises to be an equally, if not more, interesting year. We’re looking forward to many more years to come.
Well, that’s all I feel like typing today. I’ve been typing a paper all day and I’ve just had about enough keyboarding for a while. Perhaps I shall play some Knights… Perhaps…
grandma_b says:
Congratulations on your anniversary! Italian Village. Boy, that brings back memories. Grandpa_b took me there about 44 years ago. From the pictures the place looks the same. Afterwards he took me to see “Sound of Music” the stage play. I couldn’t tell you whether Julie Andrews was in it. Didn’t know who she was at that time.
sixfeetsmall7757 says:
Bum. What day did you go to the Italian Village? We were there on Saturday night at…7 I believe.
When are you coming to visit?
I miss you guys!
sixfeetsmall7757 says:
Hey, What are you doing Thursday night?
WhiteLancer64 says:
wow, that’s an awesome present to give to amanda, i’ll have to check it out sometime