The Good Life
I’ve been bad about writing, I know.
There ARE updates on my life, but nothing earth-shaking or something that’s changed the core of my very being. Wedding plans are still being planned. Work is still being worked. Money is still being spent (and saved). Television is still being watched. Food is still being eaten. Kisses are still being kissed. Hugs are still being hugged. Life is still being lived.
Dare I say things are going well?
I think I do.
I do dare to say that.
*clears throat*
“Things… are going well!”
Well, how ’bout that? The world’s still here. And I hope you, my friend, are out there enjoying it. Let’s hold hands and dance.
It is a good day.
elfincracker says:
It is a good day, Matt.
Good day indeed.
Anonymous says:
i want to hold hands and dance!
Thirty_Three_Times says:
Well, I’ve already taken all my core classes. That’s why this situation is so weird, because ALL my requirements are out of the way, not just my major and minor reqs. That’s why I’m so mad, because I’ve taken all the classes I need to and for some reason still can’t graduate. 🙁
Anonymous says:
see previous entry for work details.