America, A Country I Love

July 2, 2009


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Two hundred and thirty-three years ago, 56 men signed a piece of paper that came to be called the Declaration of Independence. Through this act, thirteen colonies broke away from the British rule that they were under and formed their own nation. Out of this singular act arose a country that rapidly became a superpower in only two hundred years, an accomplishment that the world had never seen before. It’s a staggering rise in power, an astonishing one that Dr. David Jeremiah correctly ascribes to God in his book, What in the World is Going On?

Growing up, I was taught three main things: Respect your elders; God exists and the Bible is the authentic Word of Him; and Love your country. All three of those precepts that I was raised under are under attack and have noticeably declined in today’s society. All three work hand-in-hand and you can’t remove one without the whole thing falling apart, just like you can’t remove a table leg and expect it to stay stable.

The Old Testament books, especially Joshua and Judges, explicitly show through the trials and tribulations of the nation of Israel that if a nation is founded with God as its cornerstone, God will heap blessings upon blessings. However, if a nation moves away from the Lord, the blessings diminish and hard times arise, even to the point of destruction. The more our morality erodes; the more God is removed from the schools and the judicial system; and the more we withdraw our support from Israel, the more problems we will have as a country. George Washington had it right when he said, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”

I love my country and the principles of freedom and democracy upon which it was founded on two hundred and thirty-three years ago. Every time I see the flag with its broad stripes and bright stars, I’m proud of where we’ve come from, what we’ve stood for, but not necessarily where I see we’re going. It’s not too late, though. We, as Christians, can fight for our country. We can fight against the moral erosion and for what we know to be biblically right. We can show that we’re all in this together. We can remind our fellow Americans, yes, even the apathetic ones, and our elected officials of these closing words from the Declaration of Independence:

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

Have a happy and safe 4th of July! See you next week!

– Matt
