Crazy Love

November 14, 2013


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The staff at Calvary have been reading a book together called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This book is a wonderful love letter to God and contains some of the simplest, but most powerful theology that I’ve encountered. I highly recommend it for Christians at all levels.

One of the more illuminating things that the book has helped me understand more clearly is how big, deep, and wide is God’s love for me, a sinner. It’s not just a simple thought that can be easily grasped.

People can easily accept that I love my wife. Some have been to my wedding where they saw me exchange my vows with her. Some have come over to our house and seen the life that we’ve been building together. Some see how my wife and I are together in public. The main thing is that our love for each other is visible and easily seen.

But what about God? How can we feel the love of an invisible Creator? How can we love back something that we can’t see or touch? Even more mind-bogglingly, how can the Being who created the massive galaxies and stars and the universe care about little us, who are like gnats on the cosmic scale?

The first step in loving God, says Francis, is to accept God’s love for us. “The very fact that a holy, eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful, merciful, fair and just God loves you and me is nothing short of astonishing. … The greatest knowledge we can ever have is knowing God treasures us.”

God showed us His love when Jesus died on the cross for us. That’s how much He treasures us and desires to have a relationship with us. This is not the only time He has shown us His love. His love is also manifest when we wake up daily, in the sunrise, in the sunset, in the wind, in the blessings of life, and in the curses of life that cause us to rely on Him.

Do you buy that truth? Do you accept that fact? Once you start to understand how God’s love undergirds the world, your perception on life and its purpose changes. You’ll begin to see God’s love for you in more and more apparent ways and you’ll start to reciprocate His love back to Him, just like we do when someone loves us back.

So, this week, I challenge you to look for the ways that God’s lavishing His love on you. I think you’ll be surprised on how much He loves you.

