For does not my house stand so with God?
For he has made with me an everlasting covenant,
ordered in all things and secure.
For will he not cause to prosper
all my help and my desire?
– 2 Samuel 23:5 (ESV)
I love reading about King David. I just finished the story of his life, and the passage I have highlighted above is the recorded last words of David, probably written close to the time he passed the torch of his kingdom on to his son, Solomon.
For those of who are fortunate to live long enough to understand that we are closer to death than to life, it is usually a time of introspection. It is a time when people take stock of the life they’ve lived and think about what lies ahead. David was no different.
For David, in his writings, we can see that he understood what it meant to be eternally assured. God had promised him that he would have a dynasty that would last for eternity. In a prophecy given to David in 2 Samuel 7:16, he hears God say to him, “Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.” We understand that this prophecy came true hundred of years later when Jesus was born because he was a direct descendant of David. Jesus is the King who will reign forever.
As he approached death and began to take stock of his life, David took God’s Word literally. He had no doubt that God would provide a dynasty for him and his family. He had no doubt that God would follow through on his promise. He was eternally assured and was able to say that God would do what he said he would do.
As I read about David’s breathtaking faith in God, I can’t help but wonder about my relationship with God. Do I fully understand and embrace that God has good intentions for me in light of Christ’s horrifying crucifixion on the cross and his awesome resurrection from death? Do I understand that what Christ did is God’s eternal promise to all of us? Do I understand that God fully intends and will keep his promise FOREVER?
As we all march on to eternity, regardless of what happens to us in our earthly life, both good and bad, God is always working on us, shaping us, loving us, drawing us closer to Him, making us new, and asking us to discover who He is and what He’s up to daily. God fully intends to take care of us FOREVER. This is an amazing truth, one that we all need to hold fast to.
This is why I’m so impressed by King David. He held fast to God’s promises and never let them go, regardless of what life threw at him. David has inspired me to follow in his footsteps and write in my heart, like he did, about God’s promises to me and have the full confidence that He will keep each and every one of them.
My question to you today: are you eternally assured? If not, I would encourage you to reach out to God today and ask Him to show you His faithfulness.
– Matt
2 SamuelassureDavideternityfaithfulGodpromisetruth
Assured For Eternity
May 1, 2014
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For does not my house stand so with God?
For he has made with me an everlasting covenant,
ordered in all things and secure.
For will he not cause to prosper
all my help and my desire?
– 2 Samuel 23:5 (ESV)
I love reading about King David. I just finished the story of his life, and the passage I have highlighted above is the recorded last words of David, probably written close to the time he passed the torch of his kingdom on to his son, Solomon.
For those of who are fortunate to live long enough to understand that we are closer to death than to life, it is usually a time of introspection. It is a time when people take stock of the life they’ve lived and think about what lies ahead. David was no different.
For David, in his writings, we can see that he understood what it meant to be eternally assured. God had promised him that he would have a dynasty that would last for eternity. In a prophecy given to David in 2 Samuel 7:16, he hears God say to him, “Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.” We understand that this prophecy came true hundred of years later when Jesus was born because he was a direct descendant of David. Jesus is the King who will reign forever.
As he approached death and began to take stock of his life, David took God’s Word literally. He had no doubt that God would provide a dynasty for him and his family. He had no doubt that God would follow through on his promise. He was eternally assured and was able to say that God would do what he said he would do.
As I read about David’s breathtaking faith in God, I can’t help but wonder about my relationship with God. Do I fully understand and embrace that God has good intentions for me in light of Christ’s horrifying crucifixion on the cross and his awesome resurrection from death? Do I understand that what Christ did is God’s eternal promise to all of us? Do I understand that God fully intends and will keep his promise FOREVER?
As we all march on to eternity, regardless of what happens to us in our earthly life, both good and bad, God is always working on us, shaping us, loving us, drawing us closer to Him, making us new, and asking us to discover who He is and what He’s up to daily. God fully intends to take care of us FOREVER. This is an amazing truth, one that we all need to hold fast to.
This is why I’m so impressed by King David. He held fast to God’s promises and never let them go, regardless of what life threw at him. David has inspired me to follow in his footsteps and write in my heart, like he did, about God’s promises to me and have the full confidence that He will keep each and every one of them.
My question to you today: are you eternally assured? If not, I would encourage you to reach out to God today and ask Him to show you His faithfulness.
– Matt
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2 SamuelassureDavideternityfaithfulGodpromisetruth