Author: Matt

It is getting harder to go home…  →

The Path of the Aviators    The path of the aviator is determined by their life.    The aviator that goes down and gets wept over.    An aviator can go down and no one can shed a tear.    The path of the aviator is determined by how they live their life.  → Read more...

South Dakota photo blog, part three… “Jenny, is this comfortable enough for you? Jenny, is this tight enough for you? Jenny, are you warm now? Jenny…?” A gorgeous shot taken by yours truly. This was taken when Renee’s family took us to a farm owned by some friends of theirs. We had a very cool tour. Saw cows. Saw two rainbows. That’s right. You can’t see it in this shot, but we had dual rainbows, one right below the other one.  → Read more...

South Dakota photo blog, part two… Jenny & Jeff during a game of Uno. Jeff, are you sweating or is that an unfortunate end result of a water game? We played a lot of Uno, Set, and Apples & Apples while in South Dakota to pass the time and have fun with each other. Renee, Russ, and Amanda doing some balancing acts. There was this tiny park in the center of the town with swings, baby swings, slides, and a merry-go-round.  → Read more...

South Dakota photo blog, part one… Amanda took this sweet picture of the sunset on the way to South Dakota. Yes, these are the actual colors… Renee sleeping. We ended up leaving Chicago around 4:30 p.m. Saturday night and ended up getting there around 6 a.m. Sunday morning. Suffice it to say we were exhausted. This is an example of what we did a lot. Sitting around and hanging out. It was fun to get to know people and live the simple life for a week.  → Read more...

He lives! Went to the zoo on Memorial Day with my favorite person. Saw monkeys and penguins and gorillas and elephants and giraffes and funny looking tapirs. Gorillas are hilarious and mischievous. Am less of a man now. Had surgery last Wednesday to remove a cyst in my back. It looked like a super ball; a red and white one. Probably doesn’t bounce as much. Saw In Good Company and Down With Love. Both recommended. Went to the beach yesterday and Monday.  → Read more...

12 hours there. 12 hours back. Farms, allergies, rainbows, movies, rabbits, horses, puppies, cows, tractors, seesaws, walks, flowers, clouds, and friends in between.  → Read more...

Guys and Gals- Going to South Dakota with some cool people for a week. It should be an interesting one. Hopefully I’ll have some stories and pics to share. Have a good one and I’ll see you when I get back.  → Read more...

So, this morning I went to check my email. Nothing there… Alright. Let’s check my junk mailbox and see if there’s anything that Yahoo might have put in there by mistake. There were several spam and junk emails, but this particular subject heading stood out: “The Whore Lived Like a German.” …yeah… As tempting as it was to open that email, I deleted it.  → Read more...
