Author: Matt

So… I saw Episode III. I laughed.  →

One thing you need to know about me is that I’m always thinking, analyzing, observing, and thinking some more. Some times I overthink. Other times I underthink (especially when I’ve just said something really dumb, as my girlfriend can tell you). I’ve just recently arrived at a conclusion recently and please allow me to share it with you. Ok, you ready? Here it is: Most of the difficulty in life stems from the unwillingness of people to accept who they really are.  → Read more...

So, I had a nice weekend. Friday, we went out to Olive Garden for dinner. I don’t know if it was the breadsticks or the food, but we got a bit loopy. It really is fun to be nutty and crazy every now and then. Being sane all the time really does get tiring. After dinner and a quick run to her dorm to pick up socks, we went bowling at Centennial Lanes where I proceeded to kick her butt in three games.  → Read more...

So, I just got done talking with my cousin Josh who’s in Iraq right now, specifically Mosul. (The wonders of the internet…) This city is one of the worst places you can be in Iraq. Allow me to paste a segment of the conversation… Josh: what up man Matt: hey cuz, hows it goin Josh: not bad back in lovely iraq [he had just come back from a week’s furlough to see his wife and brand spankin’ new daughter] Matt: so i been hearing Matt: mosul Josh: yeah its fucked up over here Matt: whaddya mean?  → Read more...

Monday night, Amanda and I had a nice, long conversation (read: 5 hours) outside Trinity’s library on the stone bench. We had meant to go for a walk, but that didn’t happen as we sat down and started talking and didn’t stop until somewhere around 2 in the morning. The conversation meandered and wandered here and there, like two people browsing the different art displays in an art museum. Most of the art will be just merely glanced at, but others will provoke thought and discussion and examined for a little while longer.  → Read more...

It’s 80 degrees and very sunny outside. I don’t want to be at work inside. But, I’ll be leaving in an hour! So, I’m not at all sour!  → Read more...

“You know that point in your life when you realize that the house that you grew up in isn’t really your home anymore? All of the sudden even though you have some place where you can put your stuff that idea of home is gone. You’ll see when you move out it just sort of happens one day one day and it’s just gone. And you can never get it back. It’s like you get homesick for a place that doesn’t exist.  → Read more...

Changes by David BowieI still don't know what I was waiting forAnd my time was running wildA million dead-end streetsEvery time I thought I'd got it madeIt seemed the taste was not so sweetSo I turned myself to face meBut I've never caught a glimpseOf how the others must see the fakerI'm much too fast to take that testCh-ch-ch-ch-Changes(Turn and face the stranger)Ch-ch-ChangesDon't want to be a richer manCh-ch-ch-ch-Changes(Turn and face the stranger)Ch-ch-ChangesJust gonna have to be a different manTime may change meBut I can't trace timeI watch the ripples change their sizeBut never leave the streamOf warm impermanence andSo the days float through my eyesBut still the days seem the sameAnd these children that you spit onAs they try to change their worldsAre immune to your consultationsThey're quite aware of what they're going throughCh-ch-ch-ch-Changes(Turn and face the stranger)Ch-ch-ChangesDon't tell them to grow up and out of itCh-ch-ch-ch-Changes(Turn and face the stranger)Ch-ch-ChangesWhere's your shameYou've left us up to our necks in itTime may change meBut you can't trace timeStrange fascination, fascinating meChanges are taking the pace I'm going throughCh-ch-ch-ch-Changes(Turn and face the stranger)Ch-ch-ChangesOh, look out you rock 'n rollersCh-ch-ch-ch-Changes(Turn and face the stranger)Ch-ch-ChangesPretty soon you're gonna get a little olderTime may change meBut I can't trace timeI said that time may change meBut I can't trace time  → Read more...

So, big news: I bought a picture frame for myself yesterday (Tuesday… I haven’t gone to bed yet so yesterday is still Tuesday). Why is this big news? Because I’ve never bought a picture frame for myself before. Before Tuesday, I didn’t even own a frame. This is what I put in the frame… This was taken when we went to Trinity’s formal at the Museum of Science and Industry a couple of weeks ago. (More pictures can be found at Amanda’s site here.)  → Read more...

Last night I was leafing through my high school yearbooks with Amanda when I came to the realization that ten years ago, I completed my freshman year of high school. This sort of epiphany is what “Holy crap!” was invented for. Looking at a picture of myself as a freshman and seeing all the people I knew in high school, it was startling to see how far I’ve come in ten years. It is impressive (and oftentimes embarrassing) to see how clothing, hairstyles, glasses, and tastes have changed, but I think it’s even more striking to see how people have changed, developed, and grown, including yourself.  → Read more...
