Author: Matt

Well, after a long and intense post, I thought it’d be nice to have something light and fluffy. Hence, here’s a survey, lifted directly from Amanda’s site.   –UNIQUE–1. Nervous Habits?– I fidget 2. Are you double jointed?– No3. Can you roll your tongue?– Yup4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?– Yup5. Can you cross your eyes?– Yup6. Tattoos?– Nope7. Piercings and where?– I have no piercings anywhere8. Do you make your bed daily?–  → Read more...

“There is nothing permanent except change.” — Heraclitus, 6th Century B.C. Greek philosopher This time of the year has always inspired me to look back on my life within the past year. (I really think the New Year ought to be in the fall, not in January because, really, for many of us it does feel like a new year then. Every fall, millions of people go back to school after a few months off. They’ll discover new friends, new experiences, and many things will happen to them that by May or June, during Graduation season when we bid farewell to friends, it does feel like a year has passed by.)  → Read more...

I’m in the mood to fill out surveys. If anyone knows of a cool one, let me know and I’ll fill it out.  → Read more...

As of yesterday, it’s been one month with Amanda. It doesn’t seem like it. If anything, it seems like we’ve been dating for a long time. At any rate, I’m looking forward to many more months to come.  → Read more...

Late Saturday afternoon, I walked into Tibstra, went upstairs and went inside Amanda’s dorm. No one was in the living room, so I turned into the hallway that led to the bedrooms, starting to call her name. There she was. She was standing on the opposite side of the hallway, wearing this beautiful iridescent dark purple dress, her hair done up and make-up on. I stood there on the other end of the hall. My heart started beating quicker and my voice stopped in mid-syllable.  → Read more...

Yes, it is possible to play Apples to Apples (with two expansion packs) for about three hours with a max. of seven people and never run out of cards. I’m definitely done with cards for a while…  → Read more...

I’m really looking forward to this weekend, despite the crappy weather that’s being forecast. Tomorrow is formal. I’m really looking forward to dressing to the nines and going out to dance. It all feels so sophisticated and cool. I especially can’t wait to see Amanda in her fancy dark purple dress. It’ll be a great evening!  → Read more...

Theology. Physics. History. Math. Zoology. Biology. Philosophy. Psychology. All in an hour and fifteen minute conversation.  → Read more...

Oh, man! My friend Matt sent me this link. This is hilarious, but it’s even funnier if you’re from Trinity. Recognize the place and/or the people in it…? Go here, folks! And don’t forget to read the post below and comment! Comments are cool…  → Read more...

A thoughtful post will follow… eventually. But for now, here’s some randomness, copy and pasted from Amanda‘s site: *If you read this*You must post a memory of me and you.*It can be anything you want,*it can be good or bad.*Just so long as it happened.*Then post this to your journal,*and see what people remember about you…  → Read more...
