Author: Matt

And I was doing so well, posting every day. Oh, well… The new site colors are courtesy of Amanda. She thought my former colors were too cold and uninviting, so she changed them. I rather like it. But if there are any complaints, it’s her fault. This weekend was a busy one with Amanda. Here’s a simple rundown. If you don’t care, I’ll post a more thoughtful post later today. If you’re curious what I did this weekend, read on.  → Read more...

Another one of Matt’s wacky news articles. Enjoy. Zoo Wants Chimpanzee to Stop Smoking JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – A South African zoo is trying to persuade its star chimpanzee to kick a bad smoking habit. Charlie, a grown male chimp and the Bloemfontein Zoo, has been picking up cigarettes thrown to him by visitors and smoking them — a habit he probably picked up by observing humans, zoo officials told the SAPA news agency on Thursday. “Baby chimps pick up habits by mimicking adults and we think he started mimicking smokers at his enclosure which probably led to smokers throwing him cigarettes,” spokesman Daryl Barnes told SAPA.  → Read more...

Yesterday, I got a wake-up call from God about my job. It’s something I’ve been struggling with for some time now. I drove home in a daze, trying to figure out what to do and my stomach didn’t feel quite right. It felt queasy and very unsure. It was exactly like Amanda described, sitting in a class and having it suddenly dawn on you that you’re in the wrong class. On the drive home from work, I was in a bit of a daze, feeling like I just went a few rounds in a boxing match.  → Read more...

Note to self: Make sure the bottom of slides are dry before attempting to slide down them. So, I’ve decided I don’t like light pollution. Amanda and I went for a midnight walk and it was a beautiful night, albeit a bit cold, but it was nothing our sturdy denim jackets couldn’t take. There were no clouds in the sky, so you could see the stars, but from previous experience of being in Colorado and parts of the world where there are no major cities with lights, the Chicago evening sky is very disappointing.  → Read more...

What’s with the weather today? 45 degrees and rainy after three days of sun and warm 70 degree weather. I guess it’s not summer just quite yet, seeing as it’s April. Is spring even officially here? Well, bad weather or not, I’m in a wonderful mood. On Sunday, Amanda finally met the mom. We had a nice lunch at Baker’s Square with my mom and her boyfriend after church. I’m glad to report that the lunch went well, although I never had a doubt about it.  → Read more...

Today was a fantastic day (that threatened to suck at the end because of work, but I said I wouldn’t let it, so there…). I spent the whole afternoon with my favorite person in the whole world, sitting on a park bench and walking around Lake Katherine. The weather was beautiful, the sun hot (the hairs on our head were warm to the touch) and the wind breezy. The ducks and geese swam on the lake while the seagulls swooped around the lake (and pooped in it).  → Read more...

My Friday night went like this: Music. Pie. Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Talking. All with my favorite person in the world.  → Read more...

So, today I found out that, apparently, I have girl fingernails. … Yeah. Oh, and I got a haircut, too. So, all of you who wanted me to get one can finally sleep easier at night.  → Read more...

Conversational rhythm. It’s a phrase I coined today to describe the rhythm of conversation between two people. Sometimes it’s harmonious, other times it’s horribly off-key. We’ve all had experience with both types. You know what I’m talking about. Harmony: Two people meeting at IHOP for a cup of coffee at 10 p.m. who end up stumbling outside on a caffeine-induced high at 4 a.m. They never looked at their watches or cell phones to find out what time it was.  → Read more...

It’s funny how time goes by so quickly. I had planned to be long done with my Jamaican updates and onto other things by now. But then again, this is the same guy who’s been postponing getting a haircut for quite some time now. Yes, I promise everyone who’s been begging me to get my hair cut that I will accomplish that very feat this week in addition to a majorly-needed oil change for my car.  → Read more...
