Category: Xanga-Matt
Today’s my favorite person in the world‘s 21st birthday. I got her a nifty present I know she’ll really enjoy. I’m looking forward to giving it to her tonight. As for plans, I’m taking her out for dinner somewhere before her night class. As for afterwards, I’m still undecided on a good bar to take her. I’ve ruled out sports bars since they’re not real bars. When I decide I’ll let you guys know and who wants to come can join us. → Read more...
I don’t like those nights when the hamster in your head’s on methamphetamine, spinning in its exercise wheel like crazy while you lay in bed. Hamsters shouldn’t do meth. Especially at 1 a.m. when you’re trying to sleep. → Read more...
It’s been a crazy week. Yesterday, I was so tired by supper time that I fell asleep in Amanda’s lap at 7 p.m. all the while battling a serious runny nose. I thought to myself, “Curse you wrenched Mono, you’ve finally got me!” After stumbling through P&W and being half-awake for a couple of games of our usual Uno games, I went home and passed out. This morning. I’m wonderful. The nagging semi-sore throat I had yesterday is gone and my nose has resumed its normal breathing, non-running function. → Read more...
My apologies to those who were patiently waiting for this next installment. It’s been an interesting couple of days with my girlfriend just learning she had mono yesterday and not feeling so well. Part II: My tickets took place in one weekend in August. When Monday finally rolled around, Amanda and I went to get my car from the place where the police had my car towed to. An hour later and $200 lighter, I began to investigate why my license was suspended. → Read more...
The leaves are starting to change colors, the weather is getting cooler and crispier, and I’m finally done with my court dates. Yup, must be Fall. I just realized I said a while ago I would explain the whole court thing, but I haven’t yet. Here’s Part I: Amanda and I were enroute from Amanda’s house to her friend’s place when I got pulled over by a police officer in a speed trap. I sighed and grudgingly parked my car on the shoulder. → Read more...
There’s nothing quite like watching someone you love sleep. The world becomes quiet and simple and serene no matter how noisy or complex or chaotic it is at the moment. It’s nice. → Read more...
This weekend reminded me of John Donne’s oft quoted words, “No man is an island.” No one is meant to go through and experience life alone. In fact, I’ll wager that the most enriching and enlightening experiences we can have in this life (and the next) is when we are a part of the wonderful support system that God gave us. Friday: I got to (finally!) introduce Chip to Amanda. She got to see a little part of the world that I used to be a part of for a long time. → Read more...
I have the coolest girlfriend. She got me an awesome vintage looking Mountain Dew t-shirt for my birthday AND she dressed up just for me. (For those of you who didn’t see her yesterday, well, she looked very cute.) Thank you, honey. I love you! Also, thank you to all the birthday well-wishers. ‘Twas a good day. Small, relaxing, nothing big. The way birthdays ought to be sometimes. *edit* For a fascinating dialogue on online chatting and the purposes of Xanga, go to Amanda’s site and read her September 21, 2005 entry. → Read more...
…And it’s my birthday today… …I’m 25… …quarter of a century old… Not sure on how I feel about that. I certainly don’t feel older. I certainly don’t feel any younger either. When did birthdays lose their mystique? Was it about the time we realized we were too old for He-Man theme parties or after we got our drivers’ license, after we were able to vote and be all “I’m 18, I’m an adult now,” or after we were finally able to legally obtain alcohol? → Read more...
October 13, 2005
Today was my first day as a landscaper in my temporary job (while I continue my job search). I haven’t landscaped in three years. I’m sore everywhere. Exercise sucks. → Read more...