Category: Xanga-Matt
Let’s see… what has been going on in Matt’s life? Work: A search for a full-time job continues to be fruitless; however, I finally have a part time job at Target. I was recently hired and just went in for Orientation on Tuesday. It wasn’t anything big. Just five hours of listening to videos and people go on about how great Target is, how to behave at Target, and basically how to work at Target. A lot of it was common sense. → Read more...
What’s with this wacky weather? It’s pouring rain, lightening, and thunder. In February? Tornado warnings? What the heck! → Read more...
Yesterday was the best Valentine’s Day, ever! Well, considering this was my first time celebrating Valentine’s Day with someone I love, this may be slightly hyperbolic, but really, yesterday rocked. For a more comprehensive, hit-by-hit detail of the day, hit up Amanda’s site. I spent most of the day planning on making the best day I could for Amanda. The thing about planning things is that you want everything to go well, so you’re always constantly analyzing or gauging someone’s reaction in your head. → Read more...
I promise my site will always be a Sprite fireball free zone. Edit: Here‘s how to get rid of those fireballs for those who are not paying for an ad-free Xanga. (I am — $4 a month). → Read more...
Just had a job interview at Target. It went well. We’ll see. *knocking on the proverbial wood* → Read more...
In response to yesterday’s post, don’t get me wrong. Being in a relationship is a wonderful blessing and it has its benefits, but you are dealing with another person. They have their own way of doing things, they have their own reasoning that may not be the same as yours. They may have grown up doing some things differently. It is not always fun and games. Sometimes it does take real work to make things run smoothly. → Read more...
Valentine’s Day is coming up in about twelve days (note to self: Valentine’s Day is coming in twelve days! Hurry up!). I could write something encouraging to those people who’ve come to hate the month of February because they don’t have anyone special to share it with, but I won’t because I know no matter how long I make it, no matter how logical I may be, no matter how encouraging it is, it still won’t placate those who truly desire to be with someone deep inside their heart. → Read more...
Changed my colors. Was sick of blue. Gold & Black. My high school colors. Brings back memories. *contented sigh* → Read more...
February 27, 2006
I’m cribbing this from my girlfriend’s site, but we both have different readers (and some who overlap) and I’m interested in hearing responses to this. What is your definition of love? → Read more...