Category: Xanga-Matt
I’m still alive! I just haven’t felt like posting lately. There really hasn’t been any new developments in my life (still grasping for jobs, filling out apps, etc.) with one major exception. Today, or rather, yesterday if we’re going by the “day ends at midnight” thing, was the ten month anniversary of Amanda and I dating. I’m discovering as time has been going by, it seems like it’s picking up speed with each day. And at the same time, it’s plodding along like always. → Read more...
Lately I’ve not been spending my time on the computer, which is a nice change of pace. With Amanda being off school, it’s been able to afford us to spend our time together playing Xbox or watching the plenty o’ DVDs we got over the holidays. Apparently, we’re done with winter and gone straight to spring already. Thunderstorms and lightning with rain and no sun for a week. What a way to ring in 2006. Sidebar. → Read more...
Alright, I suppose I should update. I have so many things to write about, but no time right now. How about I just list a few things that I’ll expand on later. Think of this as an appetizer. – Saw King Kong.– Went to Indianapolis to see the Lord of the Rings exhibit they had there.– Had a good Christmas with friends, family, and Amanda.– Proud new owner of an Xbox. → Read more...
I’ve always believed that God gives us things that we’re not going to immediately use because they’re meant for a future event. (One of the advantages of being omniscient and omnipotent.) It can something that you stored away for years and forgot about it and one day stumble upon and it gives just exactly what you needed for that day. I believe written thoughts and ideas and, yes, journal entries fit in that category. Sometimes something that your past self wrote is just what you need to remind your present self something. → Read more...
Amanda and I went to see Chronicles of Narnia last night at the AMC theater downtown on Illinois and Columbus, right by Navy Pier. The movie was fantastic and faithful to the book. So faithful that my girlfriend would tense up if a scene looked like it was about to deviate from the book but then relax and nod and smile upon seeing it play out like she had imagined. It was great seeing someone who really knew the source material (I had only read the book once) enjoy the movie. → Read more...
January 30, 2006
How much of your favorite caffeinated drink would it take to kill you? 248.18 cans of Mountain Dew + You = Death Note to self: Don’t consume 248 cans of Mountain Dew all in one sitting. → Read more...