This is a difficult entry to write, but I need to let people know. Last Friday morning, I lost my future brother-in-law to a senseless act of violence. Details are slim and sketchy as they are usually wont to be immediately afterwards a tragic event, but this we do know: Tim Crislip died around 5 a.m. after being stabbed by another soldier on the base he was on in Seattle, Washington. I was on a cruise ship in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, enroute to Ft. → Read more...
Amanda and I went to the movies last night on a complete whim. We had some of the most fun in the movies we’ve had in a long time because we just finished watching this: Two of the most over-the-top movies we had ever seen combined with some of the cheesiest fake trailers ever made. It reminded us again what a night out at the movies used to be before everything became expensive and sanitized. Highly recommended. → Read more...
The Good Life
I’ve been bad about writing, I know. There ARE updates on my life, but nothing earth-shaking or something that’s changed the core of my very being. Wedding plans are still being planned. Work is still being worked. Money is still being spent (and saved). Television is still being watched. Food is still being eaten. Kisses are still being kissed. Hugs are still being hugged. Life is still being lived. Dare I say things are going well? → Read more...
Do You Realize Your Significance?
Every now and then, there’s something that comes across my path that floors me, that reminds me of my identity and my place in the greater context of the universe that we live in. This past week, it was a simple picture that spoke volumes. Allow me to share it with you here. (You can click on the photo to be taken to NASA’s site where you can get a larger and higher quality picture. Go there. → Read more...
Valentine’s Day
It’s everywhere! Red flowers, pink hearts, white frilly laces. Chocolate seems to be overflowing everywhere. Tiny candy hearts are proclaiming BE MINE or U R A CUTIE. Stuffed animals are holding hearts saying, “I Love You!” Yep, it’s that time of the year. Valentine’s Day is coming. (For you husbands out there, it’s this coming Wednesday. Don’t say I didn’t remind you!) This day, like most holidays, usually brings about a mixture of emotions for different people. → Read more...
Interlude – Super Bowl Sunday 1986
My brother and I on Super Bowl XX, January 26, 1986. Brian was only ten days old when the Bears won. All I need to say today is… GO BEARS! → Read more...
August 13, 2007
Put it this way: I’m moving out into an apartment in about three weeks. I’m getting married in about seven weeks.To put it even more accurately: I’m moving out into an apartment that I will share with my future wife in 19 days. My fiancee will become my wife in 47 days. Yeah… it’s go time. → Read more...