Tag: good
A Slice of Truth: Being Good

You Are Dangerous, Part I
I’ve been dwelling heavily on the concept of temptation this week. Temptation is nothing new to us. It was there from the very beginning when Adam and Eve first laid eyes on the fruit that was sitting amid the leaves of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. I find it interesting that the Tree was right smack dab in the middle of the Garden of Eden (see Genesis 3:2) and that it was not until the serpent showed up that Eve began to even think about eating the fruit. → Read more...
My Reply to Stephen Fry
February 2, 2015
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The other day I came across an article in which the British actor Stephen Fry was interviewed. In it, the staunch atheist was asked what he would say to God if he was “confronted with God.” At first, his answer made me sad because I really like him as an actor. I first became aware of him through his very funny collaboration with Hugh Laurie (“House, M.D.”) in Jeeves and Wooster, their adaptation of P.G. Wodehouse’s series of short stories of a hapless aristocrat and his wise butler. → Read more...
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