Tag: James
You Need to Be Rich to Be Poor
Sometimes when the Holy Spirit tugs, you need to listen, you know? This week it brought an article in The Washington Post to my attention. The first line of the article, in which I have paraphrased as this week’s title, hooked me in. It’s quite a lengthy read for the internet, but well, well worth your time. Here’s the link. The article goes into detail the problems that people who are in poverty face and into the harsh irony that living in the middle class or upper class is actually cheaper than living below the poverty line. → Read more...
Do As I Say, Not As I Do… Right?
Relativism. I’m sure most of you know that word. A quick and dirty definition of the word can be said as thus, “A theory, especially in ethics or aesthetics, that conceptions of truth and moral values are not absolute but are relative to the persons or groups holding them.” I borrowed that definition from Answers.com. The unfolding story of the Eliot Spitzer scandal (Google it if you have been living under a rock lately) is interesting not because it has shades of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, but rather because Spitzer, the governor of New York, was exposed as a client of a prostitution ring despite being publicly well-known as a man who had serious morals and ethics. → Read more...
A Slice of Truth: Being Good
January 21, 2015
A Slice of Truth, Devotionals
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