Tag: Jeremiah

Only You Are Only You

June 28, 2012


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Lately, I’ve been thinking about why we exist on this terrestrial ball in the first place. I know it’s a great question that has haunted philosophers and thinkers and kings and paupers alike for hundreds of years, if not centuries. Now, I’m not approaching this question from an existentialistic angle, e.g., how do I know I exist? (For me, it’s rather plain that I exist.) Rather, I’m approaching this question from the perspective of why did God create me and why did He create me the way I am?  → Read more...

Dwelling in the Past

July 29, 2010


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dwell (verb) To live as a resident; reside. To exist in a given place or state: dwell in joy. To fasten one’s attention: kept dwelling on what went wrong. Over the past few days as Calvary’s staff has been talking about the vision of Calvary as a place where God heals people from the hurts they have suffered through their lives, especially over things that have happened in the past, I’ve been thinking about the meaning of the phrase “dwelling in the past.”  → Read more...

The Patient Potter and the Impatient Clay

August 27, 2009


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I cracked open my Bible last night to Jeremiah 18. In this chapter, the prophet Jeremiah is sent by God to visit a potter’s house because God wanted to give him a message there. Jeremiah writes: “So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.  → Read more...

You Need to Be Rich to Be Poor

May 28, 2009


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Sometimes when the Holy Spirit tugs, you need to listen, you know? This week it brought an article in The Washington Post to my attention. The first line of the article, in which I have paraphrased as this week’s title, hooked me in. It’s quite a lengthy read for the internet, but well, well worth your time. Here’s the link. The article goes into detail the problems that people who are in poverty face and into the harsh irony that living in the middle class or upper class is actually cheaper than living below the poverty line.  → Read more...

Zoning Christianity

January 15, 2009


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Last week I talked about a book I was reading that discussed the coming end times framing them through current events and biblical prophecy. One of the things that has been on my mind ever since picking up the book is the fact that we shouldn’t be separating our secular and religious life into different, distinct zones. This has been nagging me for a couple of weeks now, which I definitely interpret as the Holy Spirit that dwells in me tugging on my conscience, trying to reveal a truth about my life to me.  → Read more...

Happy Trails 2008

December 31, 2008


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Well, for many of us, 2008 was a bewildering year. It had its moments of joy and gladness, although those seemed to be overwhelmed and overshadowed by the economic gloom and doom that descended rapidly in the second half of the year. Jobs were lost, wages were cut, prices were either driven low or high, depending on what you wanted to buy. Through it all, the earth kept turning, the sun continually rose and set, and the tides came in and went, all on clockwork, reminding us that regardless of what happens with our economy, God is there, watching it all and has things in control.  → Read more...
