Tag: Jesus

Jesus, the Human

July 23, 2009


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Ever since I got married, I’ve allowed myself to ponder (sometimes!) what it would be like to have children. I’ve grown up only knowing what it is like to be a child. It will be interesting to be on the other side of the fence to say the least. When we’re children, we hardly think beyond the things and the people that are in front of us. We look to our parents and marvel how amazing it is that they know everything!  → Read more...

Easter is For Those He Came to Save

April 9, 2009


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Today marks the beginning of the holy weekend with Maundy Thursday and Passover taking place. If you’ve noticed, I put our Easter weekend schedule above. Prayerfully consider bringing a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker, or someone you know who doesn’t know the Lord. I’ve begun to dwell lately on the concept of eternity and the eternal ramifications of our choices on earth. The very idea of Hell, a place where you are forsaken, robbed of God’s presence for all eternity frightens me.  → Read more...

Quiet Solitude, We Hardly Knew Ye, Part III

March 26, 2009


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Final thoughts on quietness this week. (I find it hilarious that I’m typing this with a sore and strained throat and a self-imposed vow of silence as it heals. God truly does have a sense of humor, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.) Why is “quiet” something that’s so unnerving, so uncomfortable? I’ve come up with two reasons. The first reason is that noise (and the exponential growth of it in the world as I looked at last week) is a subtle spiritual assault on the world by Satan.  → Read more...

On the Road to Damascus

February 5, 2009


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Imagine you were walking on a road. It’s a beautiful day outside, the temperature just perfect. The wind gently buffets you, bringing with it scents of nature and of the world around you. The sun is high in the sky–it’s almost noon, after all. It is a good day for walking, so you stride confidently on the road. Then all of a sudden, a blinding light shoots down from the sky, and along with it, a voice that demands to know what you’re doing.  → Read more...

Seven More Days Until Christmas

December 18, 2008


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Yikes. Just seven? I’d better get to shopping and finish off my gifts! I’ve got a lot to do between now and then. There’s wrapping to be done, last minute gifts to be gotten, packages to be delivered and Christmas cards to be sent! And I have to do all of this while balancing my budget and making sure we can pay for everything that we need this month! Wait a minute. Why is it that when I hear that there’s only seven days until Christmas, it fills me up with stress and dread, reminding me of all the work I have yet to do to get ready for the holiday?  → Read more...

Baggage Claim

November 6, 2008


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This week I’ve been thinking about our baggage. Not the Samsonite ones that we carry with us to the airport. Not that kind. I’m talking about the things, ideas, ideals, thoughts, hurts, wounds, emotions, fantasies, and opinions that we all carry with us, sometimes consciously, but usually and oftentimes subconsciously. When you go to the airport and check in your bags to put on the plane, they ask you to put it on a scale to measure the weight of the bag.  → Read more...

Economic Turbulence

October 2, 2008


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Well, it’s been one of those weeks. Everybody’s been talking about what’s going on in Washington with the bailout plan. Companies and banks are seemingly folding or teetering on the brink of failure. The stock market has been swinging wildly like a pendulum, mostly downwards. People, not just those connected to the financial sector, but everybody else, even those who don’t know the difference between a Roth IRA and a T-bill, have joined the dialogue about what’s going on with our economy and how we got where we are now.  → Read more...

My Faith, Your Faith, Whatever, It’s All Good?

July 10, 2008


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A couple of weeks ago I read with great interest an article about a Pew Forum survey on America and religion. In this survey of 35,000 people, “57 percent of evangelical church attenders said they believe many religions can lead to eternal life, in conflict with traditional evangelical teaching.” Additionally, “in all, 70 percent of Americans with religious affiliation shared that view, and 68 percent said there is more than one true way to interpret the teachings of their own religion.”  → Read more...

Musings of a ’80s Child

June 12, 2008


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So… stuff has been crazy lately, yeah? Tornadoes and massive flooding in Illinois, Iowa and Michigan; heat waves out East; and fires out west. Lest we think America’s being targeted by Mother Nature, there’s typhoons and earthquakes in Asia. Countless lives and property lost. All this in addition to the housing market declining and unemployment climbing along with oil and gasoline. Foreclosures are up, stocks are down. Corn and food prices have soared in the midst of all of this.  → Read more...

Do As I Say, Not As I Do… Right?

March 13, 2008


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Relativism. I’m sure most of you know that word. A quick and dirty definition of the word can be said as thus, “A theory, especially in ethics or aesthetics, that conceptions of truth and moral values are not absolute but are relative to the persons or groups holding them.” I borrowed that definition from Answers.com. The unfolding story of the Eliot Spitzer scandal (Google it if you have been living under a rock lately) is interesting not because it has shades of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, but rather because Spitzer, the governor of New York, was exposed as a client of a prostitution ring despite being publicly well-known as a man who had serious morals and ethics.  → Read more...
