Tag: sacrifice
Followers vs. Admirers
No, there’s absolutely nothing to admire in Jesus, unless you want to admire poverty, misery and contempt. -Søren Kierkegaard I don’t know about you, but Pastor Dave’s sermon last Sunday really struck a chord deep within myself. For those of you who weren’t present, it was an examination of Jesus’ words said in Matthew 16, that we had to take up our own cross in order to follow him and that we had to lose our life in order to find it. → Read more...
Valentine’s Day
It’s everywhere! Red flowers, pink hearts, white frilly laces. Chocolate seems to be overflowing everywhere. Tiny candy hearts are proclaiming BE MINE or U R A CUTIE. Stuffed animals are holding hearts saying, “I Love You!” Yep, it’s that time of the year. Valentine’s Day is coming. (For you husbands out there, it’s this coming Wednesday. Don’t say I didn’t remind you!) This day, like most holidays, usually brings about a mixture of emotions for different people. → Read more...
A Dripping, Soaking Wet Offering
January 14, 2015
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