Tag: solitude

Quiet Solitude, We Hardly Knew Ye, Part III

March 26, 2009


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Final thoughts on quietness this week. (I find it hilarious that I’m typing this with a sore and strained throat and a self-imposed vow of silence as it heals. God truly does have a sense of humor, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.) Why is “quiet” something that’s so unnerving, so uncomfortable? I’ve come up with two reasons. The first reason is that noise (and the exponential growth of it in the world as I looked at last week) is a subtle spiritual assault on the world by Satan.  → Read more...

Quiet Solitude, We Hardly Knew Ye, Part II

March 19, 2009


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Three observations. One. Last week, I briefly mentioned how I’ve been noticing the ubiquity of cell phones with teenagers. As cell phones have shrunk in size and increased in power, we’re starting to see live TV streams and iPod-like capability on them. So, not only is anyone able to reach you at any time, you can listen to music and watch TV anywhere and any time you want away from home. Two. I was at the mall the other day and I noticed there were TVs EVERYWHERE in addition to rotating printed oversized posters in the hallways, not to mention the normal store window advertisements.  → Read more...

Quiet Solitude, We Hardly Knew Ye, Part I

March 12, 2009


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On Tuesday nights, my wife and I have the unbelievable honor and privilege of helping with a small group for our teens who attend youth group here at Calvary. I remember vividly how bewildering adolescence and high school was, what with the mixture of hormones, the burgeoning awareness of one’s identity, the pressure to conform AND be individual, and trying to gain footing in a world that seems to grow exponentially the closer one gets to college.  → Read more...
