Alright, so Mary wants to know what’s in my head? Ok, you asked for it.

I’ve spent the past hour reading through different people’s Xanga’s
sites. (It really is a great way to spend a blah, lazy Sunday
afternoon–highly recommended.) A variation of this list kept popping
up, so I figured I’d give it a spin. (This one came from Renee’s site) It’s a good way for those of you who don’t know me that well to get to know me a little bit better. Here goes…

first name: Matt
nickname(s): I don’t think I have one. Does anyone want to submit one for me?
birthplace: Crestwood, IL
current location: Crestwood, IL (I really haven’t moved much, have I?)
eye color: brown
hair color: brown
height: 6’3″ (apparently I grew an inch in college)
righty or lefty: righty
zodiac sign: Virgo (September 20)

your weakness: not being able to hear all that well
your fears: being left alone and unloved and forgotten (wow, that’s dark)

goal you’d like to achieve: getting my finances in control, marrying an
awesome girl, and having a life that’s more devoted to God

your most overused phrase: “Huh?”
your bed time: lately its been 1 or 2 a.m.
your most missed memory: probably having a sane, functioning family.

pepsi or coke: pepsi
single or group dates: either one works
adidas or nike: adidas (in part cuz I have a sweet adidas hat)
sweet or non-sweet tea: haven’t had tea in years
chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
cappuccino or coffee: coffee (cuz frozen coffee is just wrong)

smoke: i’m a social smoker, but i’ve cut back on that
curse: depends
sing: yes, not well, mind you
take a shower: yup
have a crush: yep
do you think you’ve been in love: no
like(d) high school: loved my senior year of high school, the other three were ehhh
want to get married: yes, I do (hehe, pun intended)
believe in yourself: most of the time
get motion sickness: nope
get along with your parent(s): sorta, kinda, somewhat, you get the idea
Like thunderstorms: no, i LOVE them
play an instrument: does knowing how to play “chopsticks” count?

in the past month…
drank alcohol: yes
smoked: yes
kissed someone: no
had sex: nope, never (well, eventually, one would hope!)
gone on a date: yes
had a good time with friend(s): always
gone to the mall?: yes
eaten an entire box of Oreo’s: does an entire roll count?
eaten sushi: not big on raw fish over here
been on stage: no, but i will be on a stage on March 4. Jamaica interim’s hosting chapel! You guys need to come!
been dumped: no
gone skating: no because i have absolutely no skill in that area
made homemade cookies: no
gone skinny-dipping: i did in high school, but not in the past month. it would have been way too cold
dyed your hair: no
stolen anything: nope

been trashed or extremely intoxicated: umm…. yeah i have
been called a tease: no, but i have been called a flirt, is that the same?
gotten beaten up: no, but i did get in a fight in fifth grade
changed who you were to fit in: who hasn’t?

age you hope to be married: by my mid-30s, i pray

numbers and names of children: it depends on my wife, of course. but
i’d like to have three kids. boy’s name, i dunno. but for a girl, i
like andrea joy.
describe your dream wedding: everyone that’s made a difference in my life is there to celebrate

what do you want to be when you grow up: i thought i wanted to be a
graphic designer and a writer, but life and experiences have been
pushing me towards considering being a teacher, especially after Jamaica
what country would you most like to visit: Switzerland

in a guy/girl…
best first date location: i’m easy (not that way! ) but i think a date could be anywhere fun.
best first kiss location: in the middle of a warm rainstorm

# of illegal drugs you’ve tried: i’ve been offered many times, but i could never work up the courage to try them, so none
# of people I could trust with my life: right now, 4 beyond any shadow of doubt
# of pets you want: 1 or 2
# of CDs that I own: about 3
# of piercings: none
# of tattoos: none

# of scars on my body: there’s one major one on my foot from cutting it
on a rock in the middle of a lake when i was, like, ten
# of
things in my past that I regret
: very few things because after all,
isn’t it how we grow as a person? we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves
off and continue.
