
September 18, 2008


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It began with just a few drops of rain. And then it all came down, constantly and never ending. The ground and the trees soaked all the water up greedily, but the water still kept coming. Having drunk all they could, the earth rejected the rest of the water and the water rushed to streams, ponds, sewers and rivers, causing everything to rise, like a bread dough placed in the oven.

When the rain finally stopped and the sun broke through the clouds, people found their basements and neighborhood streets flooded from all the water. It was a testament to the power of two storms– one of which was a remnant of a hurricane–that passed through that the streets and highways still remained closed several days later.

The rain that fell in Chicago 48 of the 72 hours between last Friday and Sunday totaled 8.54 inches. Isn’t that insane? What’s amazing to me is that several inches of rain can influence several feet of river levels and before you know it, you’re several feet underwater.

Sometimes life feels like that, doesn’t it? When it starts raining, we decide we can handle just a few inches of rain in our lives by ourselves, but then we start to realize that the water just keeps coming and coming and before we know it we find ourselves flooded underwater, trying to keep afloat, praying that the rain stops soon before things get any worse.

It’s a very humbling experience to discover that you’re not as in control as you think you are and that you’re at the mercy of a few inches of water that fall out of the sky. God wants us to know that no matter what happens, HE is in ultimate control over everything, even water. We can trust Him to keep us afloat of the storms that pass through our lives.

Hope all of you were able to stay dry! See you next week and may God bless you this week!

– Matt
