Season’s Greedings

December 11, 2008


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So, the biggest news of this week? Of course, it’s the arrest and indictment of Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich on a bunch of corruption charges. The charges can basically boil down to this: shaking people down for political favors and money for himself and his family. It’s another black eye for the Illinois political system which has become synonymous with the expression “pay-for-play,” which can easily be tracked back to when Chicago was run by the mob, including the famous Al Capone.

What I find amazing about this story is the blatant greed for money and power that was on display here by Governor Blagojevich, even as he knew that people were investigating him. During the Christmas season, Salvation Army Santas show up, ringing the bells, asking for generosity. When the mercury drops, charities and churches across America reach deep into their pockets and give whatever they can to those lesser fortunate. As the snow falls, the focus of most people turn to families and friends and worshiping the One who was born on Christmas and was the ultimate example of perfect, selfless, sacrificial giving. Altruism was not on the mind of the governor. What it was all about was “What can YOU do for ME?” and “I’ll take care of you ONLY IF you do something for me,” and even more staggering, “I’m not in the service for the people that elected me. I am only in this for me.”

This is definitely not what should be on our minds and hearts as we celebrate through the Advent season, and it shouldn’t have to be said but also throughout the year! Power fades and money disappears. Both, at the end of the day, mean nothing in the face of the eternal riches of eternal life. In the spirit of Christmas, we should always consider others first before ourselves, just like our Father did when He sent His one and only Son to the earth in that cold day in the tiny town of Bethlehem just over 2,000 years ago.

Have a great week and may God bless you this week with the spirit of Christmas!

– Matt
