Spring Fever!

March 5, 2009


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Well, February has faded into the mists of time and March has arrived. With its arrival comes the Daylight Saving Time. It begins anew this weekend at late Saturday evening/early Sunday morning at 2 a.m. So, don’t forget to change your clocks ahead one hour this weekend. This is your official Calvary reminder!

So, I’ve been waiting, as many of you probably have been as well, for the passing of winter. The meteorologists are forecasting the mercury rising into the 60s again tomorrow. It’s been an unusually tough winter with low temperatures, a ton of snow and just general misery towards the end of January and February. I’m ready for warmer weather, to be able to go outside without worrying about freezing. I’m ready to switch up color palettes, going from whites to greens.

Spring has always been a great time for me, reminding of the inherent potential of rebirth that all of life has. Grass starts growing from bare, brown patches to lush green forests of blades. Trees start dressing themselves once again with leafy garments. Flowers sprout from underground and begin blooming, shouting their presence in bright colors. Going from a season of hibernation to a season of growing and joyous celebration of life is enough to perk anybody’s spirits up.

I don’t think it’s an accident that God designed the seasons the way He did. The story of life is written right there. A season of birth and then a season of growth. And then the days get shorter, life begins to diminish, slowly receding in its autumnal age and then finally ending in a season of quiet solitude of hibernation. I say hibernation, not death because, just like The Truth set forth in the bible, death never ends the story. Rather, life begins anew after death, emerging from the ground, bursting forth into another raucous celebration of life.

So, as you watch the green slowly come back into our lives this season, may it help remind you of the wonderful truth that, like our savior Jesus Christ, we will arise from the ground again, having won the victory over death, and then we’ll dress ourselves in brand-new garments and dance in an eternal spring celebration of life for eternity upon eternity!

May God richly bless your week!

– Matt
