Community of Believers

September 17, 2009


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In my reading time, I’ve been reading the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn. (A brief digression: This fantastic book is the subject of one of the classes premiering next Thursday as part of The Core. Pastor Howard will be teaching this class, using this book. If you’re interested, sign up online by visiting our website at

Heaven is a scholarly and fascinating dissection of what the Bible says about, well, Heaven. The author, Randy Alcorn, paints a beautiful and exciting picture of our future home that is well-researched and well-written with a lot of Biblical support in it. There is one recurring theme that I couldn’t stop noticing as it surfaces chapter after chapter, and that is the theme of community.

Man, from the very beginning, was never intended to be alone. He was intended to have companionship, one who would walk through life with him on the same journey of discovery of the world they lived in. This is the reason why we have spouses, families, and friends. Life would be a difficult place if we had no one to share our life highlights and lowlights with. When we see something that impresses us so much, our first natural instinct is to share it with the people closest to us.

Mr. Alcorn shows that the Bible reveals that Heaven will be a place of continuous community. Our family and good friends that populate our lives will join us in Heaven if they’re believers and we will all be able to pick up our relationships from where we left off here. In Heaven, we will be able to go over each other’s places for feasts and celebrations and parties. Finally devoid of sin, we will be able to enjoy life together while discovering the world God gave us all the while continually praising and worshiping God in true unity as an entire community under God. Think about that: an entire nation of millions and millions of people worshiping the Lord our God!

This excites me. Ever since my wife and I bought our house, we’ve been delighted to have people over for meals and for gatherings. It’s always been a great time for both of us. Reading this puts a grin on my face as I imagine having all my friends and families over all over again, but this time we’ll have all of eternity to celebrate with each other.

Mr. Alcorn’s book has opened my eyes to the glory that is Heaven. I’m getting more and more excited about our future home and at the same time, I’m getting more and more anxious for those who I know have not yet been invited. So, for those of you who have dear friends and dear families that don’t know God, now is the time to get excited about what God has store in for us and invite them to be a part of the community of believers!

– Matt
