Remember Our Responsibility

December 15, 2011


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My goal this year is to slow down and take a breath every now and then and renew and refocus my mind on what’s really important in this season: God and family, whether it is by blood or by the family we’ve built for ourselves through friends. So, for the month of December, this space will provide all of us with reminders of what’s really important this month.

This week’s theme is: Remember Our Responsibility. In the past couple of weeks, we’ve reminded ourselves that Jesus is the reason for the season and that, in the frenzy of the holidays, we shouldn’t forget others, especially those in retail and customer service who are working tirelessly with many frustrated customers.

This week I want to remind all of us what our responsibility is in response to the Christmas story. God took the initiative to meet us by coming down to Earth and intervening in human history in a large way by becoming a human man who interacted and connected with others. God came down to Earth to meet US because He loved us that much and wanted to get to know us individually and on our level.

What is our response to that? It ought to be in awe of God’s initiative and follow the star across continents, like the three wisemen did, to discover where God is. It ought to be like the shepherds who heard the good news and hurried over to the stable to see God in the flesh. It ought to be like the angels, eagerly singing God’s glories to anyone who will listen. It ought to be to meet God where He met us, at the manger and, later, at the cross.

So, rather than see this as a dreadful period of the year to “suffer through” – noise, lights, traffic, finances, gifts, extra work, parties, and on and on it can go! – think about this season as a time that you can really meditate about your response to God’s gift and your responsibility to find, rejoice and share it. This gift, after all, has eternal value.

See you at the Cantata this weekend,
