What It All Means

February 23, 2012


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What is the meaning of life? That’s the question man has chased for centuries since he was first awoken on this planet.

Why am I here?

Indeed, after thousands of years, it seems that man is no closer to deciphering that answer. Like a dog chasing its tail, he keeps going around and around in circles, looking to science to discover the answer, looking to drugs to get out of solving for the answer, looking to philosophy and acquired knowledge to deduce the answer, looking to the heavens (what he can see of it) to detect the answer, looking everywhere he can to find the answer.

Why am I here? What am I doing here?

These are uniquely human questions to ask. Intelligence and self-awareness aside, a dog doesn’t question its own existence. A dog knows all it needs to know: I am what I am and I do what I do. I eat, I sleep, I chase squirrels. But for us, that’s not enough. We need to know why. And not only do we need to know why, we also need to know who.

Why am I here? What am I doing here? Who am I?

These questions and more are buried deep within our souls, as if there’s a deeper part of us that knows these questions have answers. Indeed, these questions already have been answered. Many just choose to ignore or reject the answer and keep pushing to search for an answer that fits what they think the answer is. It is very much like trying and trying to make two plus two equal five. It just doesn’t work.

Why am I here? What am I doing here? Who am I?

The answer, dear reader, is that you are God’s precious creation. How do I know? The Bible tells me so.

God has made you. He knit you specifically. He chose very carefully what materials would make up you. You are no haphazard accident of nature. You were very carefully and deliberately created. And no one is like you. Some may look like you, but no one IS you. Out of the billions who have come and gone and will come and go, only you are uniquely you.

You are here because God wanted to create you. The stars, the planets, indeed, all of nature pale in comparison to you. You have the very imprint of God on you. You were made in His image. He delights in you. Don’t believe me? Believe this: He died for you just so you would reside with Him for eternity. Who would die, indeed, for something that wasn’t precious to them?

Who are you? You are God’s own child! Why are you here? Because God wanted to make you! What are you doing here? Well, that last question, I leave up to you to answer for yourself. What are you doing with your life to give meaning to it?

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. -Psalm 139:12

See you next week,
