Intentional Christianity

May 31, 2012


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Over the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking more and more about living life intentionally. I will admit that the prospect of having a child to take care of in the next few months has been a major catalyst in me pursuing this line of thinking. I have been thinking about how to be a proactive parent rather than a reactive one. For example, if there are experiences that we want to give our children, we will actively pursue that opportunity rather than just wait and hope it will happen.

This line of thinking led me to my Christian walk and I realized that I have been a reactive Christian rather than a proactive one. I often cry out to God when something happens, instead of actively working on my relationship with Him in all times, good or bad. I often have my Bible time interrupted by other things, instead of having it be a distraction-free zone. I am a Christian outside of church when it is the most convenient for me, not when it is the most necessary. I volunteer when it fits my schedule, not allowing my schedule to change when I can volunteer.

In realizing all of this and more, it strikes me that in order to be a great Christian, we need to be an intentional one. We need to pursue God rather than having Him to do all the work pursuing us. We need to read the Bible seriously and faithfully. At church and outside, we need to be the first one in line before anyone even asks for anything. We need to be a Christian even when it is not convenient.

So, let’s all of us throw off the shackles of passivity and start living our Christian lives with zeal and purpose! Read the Bible today and say no to any interruptions. Call any church coordinator and volunteer yourself. (In working for a church, I now understand that there’s ALWAYS a need for help, no matter what.) Stand up for what you know is right. Pursue God with passion.

How can you be an intentional Christian today?

