
October 18, 2012


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He who walks with the wise grows wise,
    but a companion of fools suffers harm.
                                                 – Proverbs 13:20

Whether or not we realize it, we are shaped by our surroundings and the people that are around us. This truth and the proverb mentioned above shouldn’t be surprising, but it’s amazing how we forget how much influence we have on each other.

I was reminded of this truth earlier this week after talking with a friend who has strayed away from the faith. It wasn’t a dramatic or sudden change; rather it happened slowly over time. She had surrounded herself with the wrong people – fools the Bible calls them – people who have slightly skewed ideas of religion, faith, the Bible, and morality. Over time, she added their ideas to her own and it took her down a different path. I am praying that she finds her way back, but it won’t happen as long as she continues to surround herself with the same people.

If there’s anything that I want to caution people out there, especially younger people, it is to watch who you hang out with, watch who you interact with, and especially watch their ideas. Surround yourselves with wise people, people that you know are solid and faithful. They will influence you and push you in positive ways. Their friendship will not harm you.

If you’re currently finding yourself in a place where you’d rather not be, away from God, struggling with wisdom, struggling with people who are giving you conflicting ideas and morality, maybe it’s time that you took a second look on who you hang out with and make some tough decisions.

Life is hard enough; to spend it in the company of fools is, well, foolish.

– Matt
