God is Sacred

December 6, 2012


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“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” – Exodus 20:7

When people ask me how I know that there’s a God or whether this Bible book thing is true, I tell them that I pay very close attention to the world around me. There are ordinary signs that one can easily miss if one is not looking for them.

One of them, for me, is that there is a distinction that exists between the sacred and the profane. One of the sacred things that exist, the Bible makes clear, is the name of God. The fourth commandment out of the ten commandments that God gives the Israelites in Exodus makes this point. People were not to use God’s name in their oaths. They were not to swear falsely and use God’s name as an anchor for their oaths. For example saying, “I swear by God I did not take it! May God strike me down if I stole it” while you actually did take the item in question was what the fourth commandment forbids.

The thing about the sacred is that anything that hates sacredness loves to profane it. This is definitely true for Satan. While people today don’t generally make oaths anymore, they certainly do take God’s name very lightly. This is one of the things that Satan has accomplished very well here, diminishing God’s name.

Have you ever thought about why “Oh, my God” is a popular cultural expression of surprise, disdain and disbelief? Even the more innocuous sounding “Oh, my word” definitely alludes to the truth printed in John 1:1 – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Have you ever mused about why “Jesus” or “Jesus Christ” is a swear word often spoken in movies, and more frequently lately, in television, usually spoken with the same intensity as a normal swear word?

What I find interesting is that Buddha, Mohammed, or any of the other various prominent religious figures are not subject to the type of nonchalant sacrilege. No one ever says, “Oh my Buddha!” I wonder why that is.

It’s obvious to me that it’s an attack on something sacred that exists out there: God. It’s obvious to me that there’s something out there that opposes the sacred and God and is on a campaign to profane it by reducing it to mere swear word utterances.

God deserves better. Jesus deserves better. Their names are much more sacred than that. Let’s treat them with the dignity and respect they so deserve.

– Matt
